Friday, February 19, 2010

Fringe10 - parade night

Well, last day shouldn't be staying at home packing. We decided to end my last night in Adelaide with a bang - or something like that.

Thank God The Fringe Festival was officially opened today. We went to see the parade. To me, the parade was a kind of resume of every festivals and everything that happen in Adelaide. From the Indigenous, Enviro people (eat vegie y'all!), GLBT, youngsters, Emos, Dancers, Geeks, Disable peoples etc. Here are some highlights from the parade. Suprissingly, no Nayima Hassan!! ppffeeewwww....

and here are some photos of the lovely gurls....


Julia said...

I was wondering if you took any photos of the Steampunk crew as they marched in the parade last night?
If so would you be able to email them to


green_teacup said...

hi Julia, sorry just got a chance to check my blog today.
I took picture most of the parade. but not sure which one is the Steampunk Crew. :(


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