Saturday, March 13, 2010


Just a week ago I decided to cross out one of the plan in my When-I-Go-Home To Do List. I stole some pots from my dad and started seedling with Audrey - my 15 months old niece. We plant Coriander, Basil, Dills and Mint. I managed to bought the seeds from Bunnings on the way to airport with Marie and Neil. Couldn't find any Mint seeds but thank God, my dad still keep all the vegies/herbs/flowers seeds from me back 2 years ago.

Weather was perfect for the last one week. We had full sun and a couple of light showers. I woke up this morning and find out that the Basil seeds already sprouting! That was quick! I thought I wont see anything until next week.
Here is my baby basils...

Then I googled a bit about this Basil and I just knew that basil seeds is so popular in Asian drinks. We called it Selasih here in Indonesia. But maybe this is different species. Anyway, good news to start my weekend - tho it really doesn't matter because everyday is like weekend now. LOL
Meanwhile I'm still waiting patiently for my other seeds to sprout and will start growing flowers.

1 comment:

Patzie said...

aAA.... mana foto Odrei???
Wanna see wkt dia spread the seeds..... sooo cute I guess


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