Here you can see Bukit Sulap (Magic Hills) on the background. Mr Chai once told me that the native called it like that because it is visible from where ever you stand. I guess this is acceptable since that hills is the tallest point in town - which soon, I think, this cute statement will Poof! once more taller buildings appear in future.
Point A and Point B, this is important because the town basically just growing linearly around the main road (Yos Sudarso) where at point A you can find mostly people still living in timber single storey houses with some banana or coconut trees in their front yard. Whilst the other point there are lots of commercial shop/houses spreading like mushroom in rainy season.
1 comment:
Yepp.. mgkn disono masih pake Penggaris besi buat bikin jalan bukan pake Meteran Laser ven.
So jalan yg dibuat cuma bisa lurus2 aja...hhehee..*no offens*
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