Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How I Survive Panas Dalam

First of all I have hard time looking the English term of this Panas Dalam. Wikipedia call this as heatiness, is it really a word because my comp shows red wavy underline at that word. Google translate it as Heat In. That exactly similar way to translate ‘tidak enak badan’ as my body is not delicious. Anyway, most online articles seems agree that there is no specific clinical term for this “Indonesian sickness” as this is actually just some general symptoms before the real sickness such as flu or cough. Let’s we call this as mild fever.

Lately for the past half year this panas dalam become my monthly sickness, I’m aware of that because I keep my monthly health log. So, from browsing the net and some common knowledge we know the causes are immune deficiencies because of lack of Vit C or fiber, dehydration, you can also blame the moody weather and unstable hormone level.

How I survive this annoying sickness?

  1. Taking cool shower. Well, actually I have to.. because we don’t have water heater in our house. 
  2. Keep calm and drink water. Lots of them even if I have to make trip to toilet every 30mins. 
  3. Listen to Mr Chai: drink Bear brand milk and chrysanthemum grains. 
  4. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. 
  5. Rest well and demand full attention, because feeling loved is the best medicine.cup

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