Thursday, January 20, 2011

33B33/29 - Quit my job

Yay, I just finished writing my resignation letter. Reason: for a personal reason, not really want to talk more about it, because I've never wrote anything related about my job before in this blog and wanted to keep it that way.

So, about this letter... Printed on a 100mg A4 bright white paper using black coloured Optima font, and ended with my lovely signature. Look a bit formal and simple, but not cheap. My friend helped me with the text and choice of words.

Will start enjoying a jobless life again next month.  cup


Patzie said...

Aaaa.. Its about time?
Udah dkasih? N d approve??

Arman said...

good luck on your new carreer ya ven!

green_teacup said...

iya, patsy..... dan untungnya ada si Andi. Kalo gue pikir2 ya, kok ceritanya terulang lagi. ada lo, gue dan Andi.. ini plateau, set back atau improvement ya?

green_teacup said...

terima kasih ya armaaannn... not sure about the career part, buat I'll have tons of time for browsing and blogging soon :D

Patzie said...

Hah??!! Andi surya? Dia ud masuk dsana? Oalaa...
Mgkn dia tergiur jg haha..


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