The message was strong, when you made a mistake you have to acknowledge it big heartedly and bribing people is never right.
My thumbs went up for Didi Hasim who played Tan Tjo Lat and Endang Ayu as Ang Pauw Sian. Didi successfully woke everyone up that night when he made a spontaneous joke "I think my mustache just fell off" when his fake mustache keep flapping in a weird way every time he made dialogue, before he run backstage excused that his character need to change his clothes. And his chinese accent was awesome.
Endang Ayu's voice was very soft and tender... even when she cried I still feel like she was singing and whispering gracefully instead.
I enjoyed the play very much although it's a bit too long - got a very sleepy eyes after that, and the chance to get a couple lovely ladies came and see it together with me (and my brother) was great.
I still have high hope that one day I could find a/some friend(s) out there who like to see this kind of play with me.
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