I'm officially engaged today!!
Although we've been arranging the wedding since a year ago but finally I'm engaged for real with Mr Chai, in Chinese custom. Lots of red today, Mr Chai's Family came to my house this morning to hand out the betrothal gifts and the dowry. I will probably explained about the custom - that I know from my experience after preparing this betrothal day- in separate post.
For now, here are some photos from today. *note my mom's happy face....
CONGRATS my dear Vena....
finnally u move one step forward.... Really nice seeing ur BIG Family portrait....
Ni wei.. itu gak ada ortu johan kan yah??? semua sodara2 johan doang kan?
Ketinggalan.... Ur mom REALLY REALlY REALLY HAPPY today!!!
Like ur MOM's SMILE!!! Love u Tante... hehehe....
congrats ya ven!!!
so happy for you! :)
aawwww.. thanks a bunch guys.. *group hugss
@patz iya, tidak ada ortunya dan johannya. katanya harus begitu ya..
ibu sumi - our professional laundry lady - juga bilang di adat betawi ortu sama yang bersangkutan seharusnya gak datang.
you look beautiful (:
i can only wish you happiness for your wedding
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